Top 10 Superfoods for Pregnant Women

It is obvious pregnant women should eat healthy foods and maintain a proper nutrition. They need to know the healthiest foods ideal for them. These are foods they should have in their diet as much as they can. The result will be a healthy and happy pregnancy and a healthy bouncing little angel after nine months.


Calcium is very important for a pregnant woman and yoghurt is full of it including fortified vitamin D. These two minerals are required for healthy bones not only for the baby, but the mother as well.


Consumption of berries while pregnant gives the body lots of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C. The baby and mother’s immune system will be boosted by the antioxidants while vitamin C ensures fiber and iron have been absorbed helping in preventing constipation, which usually takes place during a pregnancy.

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Sweet potatoes

The pregnant woman deserves a lot of energy and sweet potatoes have it in plenty including Vitamin and beta-carotene. The heart of the baby will be developed effectively courtesy of Vitamin A, including the brain, eyes and heart. However, vitamin A intake, especially from animal sources should be lessened once you are pregnant since huge levels of the mineral will affect the unborn baby.


Salmon and other oily fish are usually avoided as a result of too many environmental pollutants during a pregnancy but they should be completely avoided. Salmon is highly endowed with much needed omega 3 fats required for the growth of the brain, especially for the baby. It is important to take about two or so portions of a healthy oily fish every week.


The spinal cord and brain of the baby can be helped to develop effectively through the addition of broccoli in the diet of a pregnant woman since it is very rich in folate. This is also true for all green leafy vegetables.


With less fat, but endowed with fiber, oats do not release a lot of energy at the same time like other foods rich in carbohydrates, ensuring the blood sugar level has healthily been maintained. A good idea is taking some oat porridge every morning to regulate the body, especially in case of constipation.


These include peas, lentils and beans whose addition to an expectant woman’s diet adds a lot of minerals, vitamins, fiber and proteins. Having some of these will add to the recommended daily dose of vegetables and fruit.

Rapeseed oil

Any pregnant woman’s diet requires healthy fats. Of all the oils out there, Rapeseed oil has the lowest saturation of fat and health monounsaturated fats great for the heart with a lot of Vitamin E, a crucial antioxidant. The oil also has omega 3 fatty acids and can be used for cooking.

Dried apricots

Apart from being sweet snacks you can always carry around with you, dried apricots provide a lot of fiber, iron and folic acid to the body.

Clean drinking water

As the baby grows, a lot of blood will be circulated across the body and thus very easy for one to be dehydrated. Having clean drinking water around is a great idea to sip throughout the day. You can always aim for about two or so liters on a daily basis. Proper hydration is important to energize your body since morning sickness can lead to a lot of vomiting.